Weddings, Funerals, Receptions, Memorials
Wedding and Funeral Customaries
Weddings and funerals mark major transitions in human life. In these rites of passage, which effect a transformation from one status to another, an individual is separated from one state of existence, passes through a threshold or liminal space, and is incorporated into the community with a new status. In a wedding, individuals move from being single to being joined in a marriage, and in rites surrounding death, a person moves from the land of the living to become an ancestor. These rites of passage concern not only those making the transition but also the community. The ritual actions enable the individuals as well as the community to navigate momentous events in human life, they acknowledge and bring about a transformation in the community, and they offer an interpretive framework for the transition. It is our intent at St. Barnabas to assist you with all the information you may need to make intentional and informed decisions.
Baptismal Customary
Please Contact the Church office for information.